Irish SheepherderIrish Sheepherders of Lake County Oregon s Of Lake County Oregon

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        Lakeview Examiner
        September 27, 1927

       A bloody glove tied to the head of a sheep dog finally brought relief to Pat Welch, sheepherder, perhaps fatally injured yesterday morning while hunting in the Ochoco forest, says last Thursday's Bend Bulletin. Welch was brought to bend at 12:15 today, more than 24 hours after he was shot.
    Welch, who has been herdering for Steve Conolly, was hunting three miles from the camp which is 20 miles beyond Summit Prairie and near Lookout Mountain. He had shot a badger and was poking it with the butt end of the rifle when the gun was discharged. The shot ranged upward from where it entered his thigh, according to Dr Harry Foagles of Chehalis, Wash, who brought Welch to Bend.
    The accident happened about 11:oo o'clock yesterday morning. Welch tied the glove which was covered in blood to the head of the dog and sent the dog to camp. The dog carried the message promptly but Welch's partner was afraid to leave the sheep and so did not leave camp, Dr Feagles said. During the afternoon Leach, a herder for another outfit, came into the Conolly camp. He inquired for Welch and on hearing of the Bloody glove called the dog which was only to anxious to lead the way to the injured sheepherder
    Leach reached the spot where Welch was just at dark last night. It was raining and had been raining all day. Leach put welch on his horse and started for his own camp four miles away. He reached the camp a 11 o'clock, 12 hours after Welch was shot.
    Dr. Feagles and E. W. Foster of Prineville were camped some distance away while on a deer hunting trip. Leach had dropped in on them the day before and knew Feagles was physician and that they had a big car. He put Welch on his bunk and left for Feagles camp, arriving there in a driving snow storm at 3 o'clock this morning.
    Feagles and Foster accompanied Leach back to his sheep camp where they loaded the injured man into Dr. Feagles car and started for Bend. at 6 o'clock this morning. the 100 mile trip from the Ochoco country to Bend ended at 12:15 today at St Charles Hospital in Bend where Welch is now being cared for.
    A later issue of the Bend Bulletin states that Welch passed away.
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