Irish Sheepherders Of Lake County Oregon

This Site Last Updated
January 10, 2008

        NOVEMBER 1912
There is only one known copy of the original IRISH NEWS, published 1912 in Lakeview Oregon. The Schminck Memorial Museum, in Lakeview has the copy.


Barry Brothers

Sherlock Brothers

Sheep Owners



St. Patrick's

Irish In the News

Irish Obituries

Irish Ranchers Today


Jim Deely

Lake County Map

Con O'Connells Place

J.H. Cutter Whisky
Raninier Beer
Its Your Treat!
Come On In
Paisley Oregon

Don't Forget to Vote for
W. Lair Thompson
Republican Candidate
Lake, Klamath and Crook Counties

It Will Be To Your Interest.


  The partnership of Arthur. Lane and Jones made a deal recently whereby they disposed of 1400 lambs to Taft & company, of San Francisco. The price received was six cents per pound clear, and it was found after weighing the stock in San Francisco that they averaged $3.08 each. Owning to a mistake in counting the sheep at the corrals it was found that 112 lambs were left after filling the order, and these were sold to Swanston company Sacramento, for $3.00 head.
   Jack Burke and Mike Angland have sold 300 of their weithers at $3.25. They separated the sheep at the Mulkey corrals. Mr Burke intends to run his portion this winter and will take 1000 head from Con Fitzgerald to run until lambing time. Mr. Angland will go into partnership with is brother pat. Good lucks, boys.


   Those of you boys who have not been in town for months will fine considerable in the way of improvements when you do visit us. A cement walk has ben extended from Beibers corner to the First National Bank building and on the east side of the street from Bailey and Massingill's to the Thurnton Drug Store. The new brick front building created by Doctor Daly on the site of the old Ely Restaurant is now completed
and Ely is again in full charge, although in much improved quarters. The First National Bank have about completed a two story addition to the rear their building, the lower florr of which will be occupied by stores. The Haryford building three stories in height, on the site of Mike O'Sullivan's old red barn is nearing completed, although owing to the enormous amount of work for a building of that size.


   One of the most pleasant happenings that we have been called upon to record is the marriage which will take place monday, November 4th, between Miss Margaret O'Sullivan and Charles Duggan. The ceremony will be performed at the Catholic Church here by Reverend Father Kern S.J
Miss O'sullivan is a sister to Michael and Jeremiah O'Sullivan, neither of whom need to be introduced to our readers. She is a native of County Limerick, Ireland and came to this country several years ago, making her home in New York City. About two weeks ago she arrived in Lakeview and the affair above recorded will be the happy cuimination of her trip, it having been planned a long time since by the happy couple who areseveral new subscribers have also been placed 0n our list as a direct result of that first paper sent by Dick to his sister. were childhood friends
   Mr. Duggan has been a resident of Lake County about 6 years, being interested in the sheep business, and during this time he has made many friends among the boys as well as the people in general by his many sterling qualities. For sometime past he has been located at the Barry Ranch in Guano Valley, where he and his wife to be expect to make their future home.

A Gentlemens Popular

                 MARKED INCREASE

   It has been officially learned that the immigration to this county from Ireland was greter by several thousand during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, as compared with preceding years. the returns show that 39,222 Irish immigrates landed at our ports during that year, as against 29,112 for last year and 29,855 for the year before.
    Statistics compiled by a Catholic Institution in New York city, which endeavors to keep data on Irish immigration in general, show that the largest number bound for any one state was New York,, 11,642 remaining there.
   The smallest number was 1 to Porto Rico. To Oregon came 228, with the very same number to Idaho: 540 were bound for Washington, 334 sought Montana and 16 expected to reach Alaska.
   When one considers that the total foreign immigration to this country for the year ending June 1912 was 800,000, it will be seen that the Irish Immigration is very small in comparison.

   During the past month a herd of 1507 head of cattle belonging to the Chewaucan Land & Cattle Company was started from this county for Klamath Falls, from where they were shipped by rail to Kern County Land Company, of California.
   Louis Gerber and Alex Davis, known throughout the county, recently received from Mexico, a shipment of 1600 head of cattle, some of which will be used for beef purpose.

All-Wool MackinawCoat's
grey and plaids.
Price $7.00 and $8.00

Duck Coasts, sheep lined beaverette collar
Price $5.oo

Whipecord and Moleskin Coast, sheep lined
knit wrist and knit neck
Price #7.00 and $ 7.50
Heavy Work Shoes at
$2.50 to $5.50
High Top Shoes at
$5.00 to $5.50
A food stock of "BENJAMIN" Suits
at $18.00 to $27.00


   Phillip K. Barry, one of the pioneer residents has been in town for the past few weeks for the purpose of enjoying a well-earned rest. Mr. Barry has been actively engaged in the sheep business here for the past 25 years. Despite the fact he now 80 years of age, he is still stout and healthy and as young looking as the average man of 50. His sheep are now camped at Drake's Flat.
   Mr and Mrs Michael M. Barry who moved to Plush during the past month, are now comfortably located at thw JJ ranch. Mrs. Barry is teaching school for the children of North Warners, and we look forward to her passing on a bright lot of youngsters when the season ends.
   J. T. Flook, the rock Creek sheep owner, was in town somtime ago and brought over with him from the Warners the horns of a one time very large ox. The specimen rested on the board walk in front of the Hotel Lakeview for several days and created considerable interest.
   Dick Lacey, well known to all of the boys, left October 7th for San Francisco for the purpose of consulting a specialist about a slight swelling in one his feet. Dick is expected to return here in a few days, and his many friends hope that he will arrived completely cured.
   Jerry Singleton, who has been herding during the past summer for Henry O'Keeffe, was in town October 10th with a large consignment of coyote hides on which he collected the bounty. Jerry is now located in Surprise Valley, and is address for the winter will be Ft. Bidwell, Calif
   Con O'Connell, of Pasiley has sold one-third interest in 1780 head of ewes and 80 lambs to Jack O' Keeffe, receiving therefor $4.60 per head for the ewes and $2.50 each for the lambs. Jack is an old timer in the sheep business and we have not the slightest doubt but what he will be successful.
   Con O'Connel, the Paisley business man, was visitor to Lakeview. Con has helped the news considerably in the the way of sending in new subscribtions.
   Pat McAuliff, a brother in Law to the O'Callaghan boys left Octobert, 22 for Newmarke Ireland on a visit to his family. He has been a resident on this county for the past five years.
   Pat Barry and Dan Angland, who hail from northern part of the county, were in town during the past month attending to some business affairs. Mr. Barry is administrator for the Daniel Graf estate and their visit here was with a view to securing the sheep included in the same.
   Tom Cronin an employee in the sheep camp of Fitzpatrick and Green, was a visitor here from Paisley during the week. Tom takes considerable pleasure in visiting the county seat at least once a year.
   Tim Fitzgerald until recently a resident of Newmarket and well known by many of the local boys, last week arrived here for the purpose of making Lake County his future home.
   One of the many sales reported for the month of October was tranfer from Mike O' Sullivan to Frank Bloomingcamp, the Merril buyer, of 801 head of mixed yearlings and two year olds. The price paid was $3.25 per head.
   Harry Riggs and Jim O'Conner prominent Warner Valley residents have been busy for some days past in hauling enormous loads of rock salt from the marshes north of Plush to the local stores. The salt is used exclusievly for stock purposes.
    Dennis O'Conner whose name has been mentioned before in these columns, has latelty purchased 75 head of fine bucks from Walter Sherlock, of Alturas. The bucks in question are of the finest stock to be found in this section of the couintry.
   Ben Shanahan, who never greets you without a smile, was in town during the past month on a little pleasure trip. Dick is interested in the sheep business with Ben Daly and is sure making good.
   W. K. Verling, familiarly know as "Jack" was in town several times during the past month on Business visits. His band of sheep also passed through en route from Barnes Valley to winter Headquarters.


Reported That the Remains
of the
Thomas C. Flynn
Will Be Taken Back to Ireland
for Burial

Death was Sudden at
St. Mary's Hospital

   Thomas C. Flynn, one of Lake County best known residents died at St. Mary's Hospital in San Francisco.
The sad news came as a surprise to his many local friends, some of whom saw him leave but a weeks before, apparently in the best of health and spirts for a few weeks vacation.
   Mr. Flynn was born Februry 6, 1875 at Kingswilliamstown, County cork Ireland, where he resided with his parents until arriving at the age of manhood. He removed to London, England, was employed there as conductor on the street cars for a number of years, and in 1902 decided to come to the United States.
   On March 13, 1902 he arrived in New York city, and in May of the same year came to Lakeview and engaged in the sheep business with his brother, John. After years of hard work these two brothers had become the largest sheep owners in southern Oregon, at the present time owning 12,000 head of sheep.
   He was a member of Klamath Falls Lodge B. P. O. Elks, and Ancient Order of Hibarians of Lake County. A private communication recieved from the Secretary of that Lodge, states that Mr. Flynn underwent an operation at the St. Marys hospital on Jan 22, for appendietis.
   He is survived by a brother, John, of this county, a Father, Mother, two sisters, and one brother who reside in Ireland.

The Irish News
A monthly Publication published in the interest of the Irish Citizens of Lake County, Oregon.
D. E. O'CONNER---------- EDITOR

Subscription One year............ .$1.50
Foreign Sbuscription.............. . $1.50

Application has been made for Transmission through the mails as second class matter.

Lakeview, Ore., November 1912
       NEWS IS POPULAR IN                       CALIFORNIA CITY
   Dick Lucy, who is new in San Francisco, recieved from his sister before his departure from Lakeview a letter in which she stated that the first copy of the "NEWS" has been recieved by her and had shown to many acquaintances in San Mateo California. It Seems that there are a great many people in that enterprising little city who formerly resided in Newmarket, and reading over the paper they came across a great many names, which were familar to them and which recalled boy and girlhood acquaintances in the old country. We might add that

   There is five sheep buyers in town, which naturally indicates that the sale of mutton and lambs have taken a decided boom and that stockmen should expect higher prices than those paid by buyers during the past month
   Frank Blooingcamp and T. A. Burrow, of Merrill are here to secure mutton. A. G. Swanton, of Sacramento, is another buyer, he having already purchased a number of "course wool" lambs from Charles Sherlock of this city. H. P. Carey, representing the firm of Miller & Lux has returned from California points and is again on the outlook for suitable stock. He has made several purchases within the past month, among which were stock belonging to Pat Barry, of Paisley, G. L Holorock, this city, and others. L. Degen, representing Degen Brothers of Denver, Colorado is one of the latest arrivals. Mr. Degen has already acquired about 30,000 head of Nevada and California lambs, and several purchases made by him from Dennis O' Conner and Charles Sherlock will be found recorded in another column of this paper. Earl O'Brien of Reno, is here to buy ewes for shipment to other points of the country. It is also rumored that a mutton buyer from the Bend country is soon to reach Lakeview with a view to purchasing 20,000 head of Mutton.
   Taking all into consideration it looks as though the market for mutton and is the best it has been this season, and it is hoped that much bigger prices will be received by the stockmen.

           AS OTHERS SEE THE
                  IRISH NEWS

   We have received a copy of the irish news, a new paper published in lakeview devoted to the interest of the sons of Erin in Lake county. It is a spicy, well written paper, and will be appreciated by the general public. may it live long and be a benefit to the community.--Silver Lake Leader.
   The Irish News, a newspaper published in the interest of the Irish element in Lake County submitted to the Public its first issue last week. It's a monthly publication and nothing but news of interest to the Irish is published. The first numbers shows excellent care in preparation and if the present standard is adhered to, the paper will certainly prove a credit to Lake County. Here's a royal welcome to our new neighbor. May she always proper. Chewaucan Press.
   The Irish boys of Lake County are publishing a paper known as The Irish News. The sheet is devoted to the things most interesting to the Irish colony of lake County and is bright and new.--New Era
   The Irish News is the Name of a monthly paper started in Lakeview. It will be devoted principally to the good and welfare, it for the Irish people of Lake County some 500 in Number. It will remain strictly out of politics. Here's wishing the paper well.--Bend Bulletin

Jere Egan who has been a resident of this county for several years past, has just acquired a three year's option on 1400 head of ewes belonging to Michael Barry, Sr, who is now in Newmarket. Mr. Egan has been herding for sometime past for Michael M. Barry, and has proven himself expert in the business which he has just entered. He has our best wishes for success in his new venture
   Michael B. O' Leary who is known to practically all of us, was in from the Phil Barry sheep camp during the past month.
   Con O' Keeffe who was been herding for some time past for Con O' Connell, was a visitor here during the past month.
   Tommy Linehan was in town the past week and when last seen was contemplating a position as bartender for Tom Sullivan, at Plush.
   Bill Denahy, a partner with Jim Barry in the sheep business, was one of many boys who paid his respects in town during the month past ended
   Jere Barry, who has been employed at the ZX ranch for some past week, is again in town renewing accaintance.
   Pat Welch, was in town last week.
   Jack Collins, another of the many sheepmen, was one of those who favored Lakeview with his presence during the month of October.
   Manuel Swartz and brother, and Simon Juarto were among the many sheepmen who appeared in town during October.
   Pat Twomey, who is known throughout the county, was in town several weeks ago, from the Hotchkiss ranch, at the head of the valley, where he is now employed. Pat had returned several days ago from a cattle drive to Merril.
   Tim Twomey,
who is in partnership with Maurice Angland, was in from his West Side sheep camp some weeks ago after supllies.
   John McCarthy
, who for sometime has been Herding for M. P. Barry left last month for San Francisco where he expects to remain over the winter.
Sherlock, Thomas HPat O'Keefe, a herder employed by Jack Leary, was in from camp several days the forepart of the past month for the purpose of having several of his teeth filled.
   Jack Jones, another one of our well known boys, was in during October from the Hanson Ranch on the West side, where he has been employed about a year.
   Michael B. O'Leary was in from the Phill Barry Camp during the last Month.
   Frank Moynhan and Bill Ahern, both of whom are experts in the sheep business, September 18th, purchased from Pat Angland his lease in the Quinland & Lynch sheep.
   Jack Breenahan and Con Sullivan who are partners in the sheep business, last week sold 700 head os ewes to Jack Flynn and Jack Leary, the price paid Mr. Breenahan being $4.75 per head, while Mr. Sullivan received $5.00 per head for his share. The sheep were separted and counted at Camas Praire.
   Charles Sherlock, and Dennis O'Conner, last week sold 2500 head of course wool lambs to Mr. Deegan, the Salt Lake Buyers, price paid being $3.35 per head. The sheep were delivered tat Lakeview.
   Tom Lynch, who is acting administrator for the estate of his brother, Phil was in town several times during October attending to various business matters.
   Phillip P. Barry, the Guano Valley rancher and sheepman, is now richer in pocket through the salesome weeks ago of 460 head of two-year olds at $3.50 each. Mr. Barry also sold to the same buyer for Jack P. J. Barry 560 head of two year olds at the same price
   Con Fitzgerald and Mikie Barry prominent among out local residents. have purchased the W. Z. Moss interest in the Saloon recently conducted by the latter at Plush. The purchase includes a half interest in the entire business, the remaining portion being owned by August Bogner.
Sherlock, Thomas HMaurice O' Keefe and Dick Guinee are now circulating a petition to secure the necessary number of signatures with a view to obtaining a license to conduct a Saloon at North Warner. They will occupy one of the stores in North Plush in which the Warner Valley Irrigation company had their office.

Tim Drislane of the Ben Daly Sheep camp, was of was one of our most recent visitors
   The daily consumption of briend for the city of New York amounts to 2,465,753 loaves.
   C. W. Dent the Plush rancher and stockman, was a local visitorduring the month of January.
   For the 8 years from 1904 to 1912 the imports and exports have been increased by $185,000,000.
   Pete Lane was on the sick list for several days this past month, but as we go to press he is feeling fine.
   Mauel Swartz, another of the county's sheep owners, was in from the desert several weeks back on business>
   A. E. Florence, former manger of the Mercantile Company, is now in charge of the John Morris store in Adel.
   Now is the time to subscribe to do it. Subscribe for the Irish News --$1.50 per year, delivered to any part of the world.
   John M. Murphy, Mike O'Sullivan and Charles Duggan are among those who recently jopined the local Court if Foresters.
   Jack P. McAuhiffe, the sheepman was in from the Lava Beds a few days ago, and was welcomed by his many local friends.
   Fieur Reen, of the ZX ranch was down from the Chewaucan last week for supplies. He was accompanied by San Cogburn.
   Our old Friend Dick Flynn who is now employed at the ZX ranch is the Chewaucan, was a local visitor during the forepart of January.
   Ben Daly, one of our well known stockmen, has been confined to his home for some weeks past owning the troubles with one of his eyes.
   Con O'Callaghan is in from the desert on business and states that the present winter has been a very favorable one for the stock running there.

(Paid Advertisement)
Don't Forget to Vote For
Republican Candidate
Lake, Klamath and Crook Counties

It Will Be To Your Interest

Telephone No. 161
Buss to Meet All Trains
Storage by Day, Week or Month
Transfer and Drayage

Meet Your Friends at
When in Paisley


.           OLD TIME CITIZEN

   Joseph Lane, a well known resident of this section, died Tuesday morning last at his home in this city.
   Mr. Lane was for several years proprietor of the Palace Saloon, of late before in Partership with Jack McAuliffe.
   He was of genearl disposition and made friends with everybody, being well known to all the Irish boys through the county.
   He is survived by a widow, to whom The "NEWS" takes this opportunity of extending its deepest sympathy in her bereavement.

           TEAM FOR PLUSH

   In regards to the Examiner article of last week relating to a Gaelic Football team , Dick Guinee, secretary of the Plush team, writes the following letter.
   Having read your article in the current issue of the Examiner relating to the organization of Gaelic Football here. I have much pleasure in stating that already we have underway, a club that would do honor to"Old Ireland" the home of Gaelic Athletics.
   At a large Delegation held in the City Hall last Sunday, with Dick Guinee in the chair, the motion was but and carried with applause that Mr. J. J. Van Keulin, of the Mercantile, be elected captain and Dick Guinee secretary, after which all adjourned and gave a fine exhibition of the Gaelic game on the adjoining club grounds.
   With regards to the arrangements for contest between the Lakeview and Plush teams, we hail the news with pleasure here and will do all in our power to please any and everybody who accompanies the team. In Conclusion, I would suggest the contest come off here on the 17th of March, St. Patrick's Day as a large dance will be held here on that night, hence we can assure a good crowd and guarantee a gay time to all visitors

When in Plush stop at
T. J. Sullivans Hotel
Bar Room Connected
Good meals Modern Rooms
Rates ReasonablE

Plush Oregon

For a Comfortortable Shave
Up-to-Date Hair Cut
a Good Bath
North Warner Street
Lakeview------------------------ Oregon

ALWAYS OPEN             PHONE 571
Shamrocks Stables
Half Block East of Court House)
Con Breen, Prop.
Horses Boraded by the Day, Week or Month

   Having graduated years ago from the honorable position of sheepherder and being known as a successful sheep raiser, I will state for public information some of the things I learned while I was in the business.
   The most important thing in sheep raising for profit is to keep them fat and to hold this fat upon them as long as possible. The results are a healthy growth of wool, fat mutton, good lambing and easy herding with little loss.
   Next in importance is to keep the band free from disease and to lose no sheep on the range.
   The best method of herding a band of sheep upon the range is to allow the band to wander by themselves as much as possible at all times of the year, just as though they were in a large pastures. Don't force them to travel a long distance to an old bedding ground in the summer months. Do this only in the winter season when storms and deep snow make it necessary. By allowing the band to herd themselves, they all go in the same direction, go where they want to, and have the same chance to fill up whether the feed be good or poor. Incidentally they do not want to get away and by following this method you will find the range will be trampled less under foot.
The greatest mistake made a by new beginners in the sheep business is that they so not give the sheep credit for having any sense

Manufacturer of and Dealer
in all kinds of
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Robes
Inlaid Bits, Spurs,
Conchas" Rosettes and

everything kept in a first class Shop

Locates in Alaska
   We have recieved word to the effect that Father Michael M. O'Malley, S.J., one of our former pastors is now located in Nome Alaska. On leaving here a little over a year ago. Father O'Malley proceeded to Los Gatos, California, where he was stationed for sometime. If we remember rightly he was also in San Francisco for some months, and while in the latter place was visited by many of his former parishners from this section of the country. The station to which he has now been assigned is in the most northern part of Alaska, where there is six months of Continuous days and an equal period of night, the latter being in vogus at the present time. It is a hard station to fill, but we all have greatest confidence in the ability of Father O' Malley to fill any station in life under any conditions, and he has our best and sincere wishes in his new place.

   Fluer Ring, official mule skinner for ZX company, was down from Paisley last week and returned with a large load of grain for winter use. Flour appears here but rarely, which makes his visits all the more welcome when he arrives.
   Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sullivan, of the Plush Hotel were in town this past week. It is considerable pleasure that we look forward to a visit from this charming couple, who are known to all the boys and who have made life pleasant for them in many ways.
   Con Taylor and Pat Dune, partners in the sheep business, recently put through a a business deal whereby their band was reduced to extent of 800 two year old wethers. The stock were sold to Frank Bloomingcamp, the Merrill buyer, and the price received was $3.50 per head.
   Dave Jones who's name has appeared at other times in the columns of this paper , left October 22nd for Sacramento to Accompany several carloads of lambs sold by    Charles Sherlock to George Swanton. Henry Newell, Jr. of this city, was with him on this trip
   Jack Kellaher was another of the many sheep men who visited town during October. Jack is usually too busy to remain here for more than a day or two at a time and recent visit was no exception to the usual rule.
   Bill McCormack he is of the portly form was another of the many sheep men from Paisley who visited in October.
   Michael P. J. Barry was a visitor this past week, on a brief business visit. He expects to winter his sheep in the vicinity of Guano Valley.
   Bill Denahy, a partner with Jim Barry in the sheep business, was one of the many boys who paid his respects to town during the month.
   Frank Moynihan and Bill Ahern both of whom are experts in the sheep business, September 18th, purchased from Pat Angland and his lease in the Quinlan & Lynch sheep. The News takes this opporunity of wishing both of the purchasers much success in there new venture.
   Jack Bresnahan and Con Sullivan, who are partners in the sheep business, last week, sold 700 head of ewes to Jack Flynn and Jack Leary, the price paid Mr, Bresnahan being $4.74 per head, for his share. The sheep were separated and counted at Camais Prairie.
   Mike O'Sullivan got busy several days ago and bought 50 head of fine bucks from George Fitzgerald. The Price paid was $10 per head.
   Charles Sherlock and Dennis O'Conner, last week sold 2500 head of "course wool" lambs to Mr. Degen, The Salt Lake buyer, price paid being $3.35 per head. The sheep were delivered at Lakeview.
   Walter Sherlock, the Alturas sheepman, last week sold 3000 head of "course wool" lambs to Mr. Degan, price paid being $3.60 per head, delivery to be made at Madeline, California.
   Philip S. Barry, the local Sheepman returned several weeks ago from San Francisco where he remained for a short time as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Kerrigan.