Irish Sheepherders of Lake County Oregon
January 16, 2008

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Irish Obituries

Irish in the News
Lake County Oregon

From the Lake County Tribune and Examiner


Dec 21, 1893
   Mike Malony, who has been herdIng sheep for Those. Wingfield for some time, left camp last Wednesday night without his shoes or coat. He wandered around all night in the snow and came to town Thursday, barefooted and his feet frozen. He was taken to the hotel and cared for. His mind was pronounced affected by Dr. Daly and he will probably be sent to Salem as soon as his feet get enough for him to travel.

Feb. 19th 1894
   John Scott and Jim McShane who have Wm. Harvey's sheep on shares, had the misfortune to lose about 2100 of there best sheep last Friday. During the snow and wind storm the sheep drifted out onto Summer Lake, about half a mile. Scott started to drive them back, when the ice broke and were drowned. While they were trying to get the sheep out, they also broke through themselves, and had to work getting out. Out of a 1,000 head they had recovered only two lived.
Oct 8, 1896
   In the case before Recorder Boyd yesterday the Quilan boys were charged with throwing rocks at James Barry, on the sheep range near Crane Lake. One of the boys was fined $25 and costs. The quarrels over sheep range will result in the death of some one if they continue. A law should be passed, defining the range.

Dec 21, 1899

   Plush is booming. We have two hotels, two stores, and a concert hall already. We also have electric lights and refecter, the plant is portable and is owned and conducted by ex- Chief Justice Gearge Washigton Wise. A grand ball was given here on Friday night , Dec 15th, attended by over 100 people. The next big dance will be Xmas, at Wise hall, Wise Avenue, Plush. McCarthy Come Down.

April 19, 1900
   FROM IRELAND Wm Barry, just from the old sod, was a passenger on the southern stage last Monday nigh. The Following letter of introduction to H.C. Whitworth from an old Lake County sheepman will explain his mission................................................
Cork Ireland,
Mar 26, 1900
Mr. H.C. Whitworth, Esq.
Lakeview Oregon
Bearer, William Barry, is a friend of mine and as poetry is cheap, he wants to herd sheep, so treat him well and I will Appreciate any kindness done him.

June 21, 1900
   After the big Fire burned most of Lakeview.
Occasionally we hear expressions of regret from beolated visitors to Lakeview who arrive to view the ruins. A sheepherder was seen looking at the ruins of the brewery last Saturday. His face had a sorrowful look. A passer-by accosted him thus: "Bad looking sight, eh?" The Shepherd glanced moutnfully down into the empty brewey cellar and replied: "Yes, it's too bad! Look at all the burned barrels of Steam beer; what will us poor devils do this summer?"

   Among the prominent woolgrowers who visited Lakeview last week was M.P. Barry. Mr. Barry has a fine lot of wool yet unshorn and was in to see how the market looked. A week or so ago he had the misfortune to lose a fine span of mares, very mysteriously, and somebody will be likely to get into trouble over the matter.

Phil Lynch the woolgrower arrived from camp Thursday. Mr. Lynch has as fine a clip of 1900 wool as can be found in Lake County, and says that buyers will never get it for 13 cents.

June 28, 1900
   The Examiner visited the shearing corrals of Michael P. Barry yesterday and found that the gentleman with his crew busy shearing his band of 3,000 bleathers. Mr. Barry has a fine lot of sheep and will average about eight pounds of wool to the head this year. He has sold to Gifford of Western Meat Co. about 1,500 wethers at $2.50.
Phil and Tom Lynch has sold 2,000 sheep to buyer Mersfield for the price of $2.50
August 2, 1900
   It is remoured that W.K. Barry will remove the building on the lot receently purchased from J. Frankl, where James McShane resides, and will put up a good hotel on the property. Barry is a "rustler," and pins his faith to Lakeview as a place for real estate hodings. He is now one of the largest property holders in Lakeview a veritable landlord.
August 16, 1900
   Michael McShane Dies in San Francisco
Beloved husband of Esther McShane, sepfather of Jennie, Nillie, Kitty, and Willie Dillon, Mrs. P. McEntee and a native of County Armakb, Ireland aged 65 years.
.September 19, 1901
        SHEEP SALE
   H. Manring made a sale his band of 2600 sheep last week to Dan Malloy and John W. Tucker at $3 for all over a year and $1.75 for the lambs. Quite few woolgowers have gone out of business this summer. There are two reasons for this sudden change it is said namely, the probability of a severe winter and the present good prices for sheep prevailling and the uncertainty of what may be done regarding the leasing of public domain.

October 20, 1904
   W. A and Thomas Sherlock returned from Bly Monday. Walter bought 1100 head of sheep from Tom, and will ship the remainder to the commission house of Don Biggs Co, San Francisco. He paid $2.25 for those he bought.

   B. Daly received a telegram from F.M. Miller yesterday stating that the 400 7T cows sold at Gazelle for 41/4cents a pound.

November 26, 1903
Tim Ahern Is Killed

Phillip Barry Jr. Wields Revolver with
Fatal Results at Plush.

Funeral Here Yesterday.
   Phillip Barry Jr., in a drunken fit, shot and fatally wounded Timothy Ahern at Plush, this county, last Saturday evening between 5 and 6 o'clock. The Shooting occurred in the street near the store and saloon conducteed by Willis Scammon, between dusk and dark. The particulars of the fatal affray are hard to get and many different stories are told. By the information given the Examiner. it appears that after drinking and carousing in the saloon where guns were much in evidence, four men, Phillip Barry, Nick Barry, Wm. Lane and Tim Ahern emerged and went down to a hitching rack, where their horses stood. Phillip Barry mounted his horse and rode up to within 20 or 30 feet of Nick Barry and Tim Ahern and fired his pistol, the bullet taking effect in Tim Ahern's neck near the jugular vein, and ranging downward, lodging in the vertebrae and crushed the spinal cord. Both Nick Barry and Wm, Lane ran. WillisScammon hearing the shot, ran out of a corral nearby and grabbed the gun as barry strted to ride away, and in the scuffle it was discharged, the bullt under Scammin's arm. Scammon told Barry to consider himself under arrest, but he rode away and disappeared in the darkness. As he did so, Scammon discharged the gun in the air in an endeavor to stop him.
   Ahern was carried to the Scammon home and had everything done for him that could be done, but he only lived until 11 o'clock that night. He asked Mrs. Scammon if he was badly hurt and she told him she thought not fatally. He was asked what physician he wished and he replied that he wanted Dr. Steiner. Harry Riggs was dispatched at once, arriving at Lakeview at 2 a.m. over 40 miles in a rain storm and bad roads. Dr. Steiner, accompanied by Dan Maloy started without delay, but when they met a messenger coming for the coroner. Coroner Harris accompanied by Rev. J.V stark starrted early Monday for Plush.
   We, the jurors called by Coroner F.E. Harris to enquire into the cause of death of Timothy Ahern, Find that the said Timothy Ahern met death from a pistol shot and fired by the hand of Phillip Barry, Jr. at Plush Oregon on November 21, 1903. J.B. Stark Foreman, David U. Cleland, Frank Roggers, M.H. Caldwell, W.P. Overton, Wm. Alford.
Phillip Barry rode to lakeview Monday and was Taken in charge by Sheriff Dunlapp and lodge in the county jail to await a preliminary hearing.
   The coroner returned Tuesday evening with the corpse which was placed in charge of the Forresters Lodge, of which the deceased was member. The funeral took place yesterday at two o'clock under the auspice of this lodge from the Masonic hall, and a large number of friends and acquaintances followed the remains to the cemetery.
   TIMOTHY AHERN, is a native of Ireland, and was born February 14 1879. He had relatives in the old country and a brother William in San Francisco. mr. Ahern was usually known as a quiet, good natured fellow, and apparently well liked by all who knew him. The sad event is muched deplored by the victim's friends and the family of the accused, as well as all law abiding citizens.

December 3, 1903
Priliminary examination of Phillip Barry Jr, for the shooting of Timothy Ahern at Plush two weeks ago is now going on before Justice W. Bayley at the Courthouse.
Up to this morning, only two witnesses have been examined, Dr. Steiner and Willis Scammon. The Latter is the main witness for the state and much depends upon what Mr. Scammon testifies to.
On Thanksgiving, Deputy Dist. Attty. Geo. Nickerson filed an information against Phillip Barry for manslaughter, and a bail was fixed at $3,500, which was furnished without delay. Since then Mr. Barry has been out on bail. Yesterday Dist. Atty. Cohn withdrew the complaint of manslaughter, and filed one of murder. Should this charge be sustained by the evidence, Barry will be bound over to await the next term of circuit court.
May 3, 1904 Jury disagrees in Barry case: The jury remained out about 27 hours and could not agree. We understand that a 11-1 stood for conviction. Judge Benson would not try the case again this term.

June 8, 1905
  Phil Lynch has sold 2300 head of wethers to Dalton and Grimshaw.
  Jack Campbell of California bought a few horses from J. A. Morris of Plush this week and will furnish a car load out of the Heart horses for shipment.
  It is estimated that 40,000 head of mutton sheep will be sold in Lakeview during the season.

May 11, 1905
   Another large number of young Irishmen direct from the Old Country are enroute to Lakeview and are to meet Bill Barry who has brought so many of these young fellows to this country.

  John Flynn , the local business man, has purchased from Moss and Priday their reservoir site and 160 acres of land, located five miles south of Plush on the Adel Road. Mr. Flynn owns a large tract of land adjoining
his recent purchase, and intends to irrigate the entire tract from the reservoir. The necessary water will be obtained from Honey Creek.

April 27, 1911
 Pat Barry, the sheepman, was amoung this week's visitors from Plush.
  Murtie Connors, who recently arrived from Ireland, left Monday for Bly, where he has accepted a position with D.P. Malloy and the McAullife Brothers.
  Father O'Malley, of the Catholic Church, Monday left for Plush, for a several days visit among the parishoners.
  T. O'Connel, the sheepman, came in last week from the desert for the first time since Fall.
  Dick Sherlock has accepted a position as camptender for Ed Stephenson the Sheepman.

April 27, 1911
  Pat Barry, the sheepman, was amoung this week's visitors from Plush.
  Murtie Connors, who recently arrived from Ireland, left Monday for Bly, where he has accepted a position with D.P. Malloy and the McAullife Brothers.
  Father O'Malley, of the Catholic Church, Monday left for Plush, for a several days visit among the parishoners.
  T. O'Connel, the sheepman, came in last week from the desert for the first time since Fall.
  Dick Sherlock has accepted a position as camp tender for Ed Stephenson the Sheepman. Jack Welsh, who is well known among the local sheepmen, came in from the desert last week for a few days rest.

Con Breen, Left during the week for Coleman Rim, where he is to Assist Mike Sullivan the sheepman during lambing season

May 25, 1911
   Pat Angland, whose running sheep in the vicinty of Little Juniper Mountains, was in town Monday for supplies
   Con Rings who has been employed for several months past by Sol Chandler for several months past by Sol Chandler is now spending a few days in town.
JUNE 15, 1911

 Last Thursday while handling some dynamite at a sheep camp in the vicinity of Coxe's Spring Patrick Collins a visitor to the camp, accidently touched a match to one of the caps and in the resulting explosion, the tops of the middle fingers of his right hand were brown off and his face badly powder marked. The injured man was immediatly rushed to town and taken charged by Dr. Daly, who dressed the wounds and otherwise made him confortable. Mr. collins is native of Ireland having come to this country last spring. The dynamite which caused the explosion had been stored at the Rogger's ranch and was to be used for the purpose of blasting rock out of a roadway.
June 8, 1911
   Dan Malloy left Tuesday Morning for Plush, to take part in the annual roundup of cattle and horses in the Warner section
   Ned O'Conner, who is well known among the local sheep men, Friday came from Plush for a few days visit.

September 7, 1911

 Known from County Cork to Lake County O' Region, Jim Barry Irrepressible Historian and Statesman says that Lake County needs more irish to till the soil. He says that there are hundred of thousands of the race on the pacific coast, the great majority of them are complaining about the high cost of living and here we have thousands of acres of the best lands waiting for each Irishman that will come and till them or run stock upon them. He blames the Irish for the losses on account of lack of hay last winter for they should of come here and grown it so that the men that are running stock could of bought it when they needed it. Mr Barry's argument is unassailable. Lake County sure needs the farmer and the grower of grain and hay.

August 7, 1911
Silver Lake
Sent quite a delagation down to take in the Irish Picnic last Monday. Those who were there, John Murphy, John O'Conner, Pat Barry, Anna Lewis, Vida Lewis, Fae Deadmond, Chas Reed, Jr and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Lester.

   Tim McCarthy formerly of the inn, but lately of the Cottonwood Sawmill and the Young Ranch on the Westside, arrived in Lakeview Last night, this is the first time Mr. McCarthy has been in Lakeview since the first of the year.

August 22, 1912
Will Celebrate Labor Day In Fitting Manner
At Camas Praire
A pinic on a large scale, to be given under the auspiece of the IRISH residents of Lake County, is planned for Labor Day, September 2nd. It will take place at the Hog Ranch, at the North end of Camas Praire, and the following program of sports has nbeen prepared for the day: High Jump: Long Jump: Running Jump: Step and Jump: One and mile horse race: one half mile horse: 100 yards mens race: 880 yards mens race. Gaelic Football games between Plush, Paisley and Lakeview.The committee in charge has already collected in the vicinty of $500 which will be used for the expences of the picnic and for the distribution as prizes for the various events, and have extended an invitation to all who care to attend. Two large rigs to take women and children from Lakeview to the picnic grounds have been secured, and these will leave town town about 7 a.m. sharp. Lunch will be furnished free to all present, as hay to feed horses, and general good time is guarantied to all. It is hoped that all who are comimg will be on the grounds at 10 a.m. sharp. Large delegation expected from Paisley and Plush.
Phillip Lynch
Passes Beyond

March 17, 1912
   After a period of several weeks serious illness. Phillip Lynch died Sunday, March 17, at the Lakeview Hospital in this city.
Deceased was last week brought over to Lakeview from Plush where he had been suffering for some time.
Mr. Lynch was a native of County Cork. Ireland and was 47 years of age at the time of his death. He was a very prominent man in business circles of this section and was a heavy property owner in Lake County, as well as holding a valuable estate in his native country. It is Conservatively estimated that his estate will amount to $150,000. He was a man of charitable nature and is known to have contributed liberal sums toward numerous laudable causes. He gained the respect of a large circle of friends in this county where he resided for several years. He was one of the prominent sheepmen in this section
   His demise is mourned by a mother, Elizabeth Dalton of Newmarket, Ireland; one son and one daughter of that place, aged 14, and 12 years respectively and one brother, Thomas Lynch, of Lakeview, Two sisters also survive him on whom resides in New York City. He also had numerous distant relatives among the Irish Boys of Lake County.
The funeral ceremony took place Tuesday at 9 o'clock am from the Catholic Church. Father Schmitz conducting the services. From the church the body was taken to the Lakeview cemetery for interment.|
The pall bearers were Wm. Kepule Barry, John Callaghan, David P. Jones, Mike Finucane , Tom Sullivan and John Mcauliffe.

MAY 2. 1912
Ben Linehan Became Lost
While Attending Flock
In Long Valley

Ben Linehan, the missing Sheepherder, has been found. On Friday evening last, Linehan, who is employed by Jim Barry, started out in Long Valley to spend the night with a bunch of ewes and lambs, taking his bed along. He did not show up in camp for breakfast on the following morning, and his companions started on a search for him. The sheep were found, with the exception of one which had been killed by a coyote: as well as Linehan's bed, which had not been occupied on the night previous. No trace of the missing man could be found, however, although the search was again continued on Sunday. The matter was reported in town Sunday evening by William Denaby, who rode in from camp for that purpose, and on the following day five mounted men started out to hunt for Linehan. It was not until Tuesday evening that he was discovered by employes of the Forest Services, who were posting boundary notices in the vicinity of the C. L. Becraft residence, in Long Valley. He appeared to be none the worse for his experience, and stated that he had become lost and was unable to find his way back to the camp or sheep. Long Valley is about four or five miles north west of Dog Lake.

MAY 13, 1915


Wireless Message Received                Yesterday
     By Col. Light Asking as to
            His Whereabouts

  Few People people realize how far reaching is the effect of a disaster like the sinking of the Lusitania. For instance none of us here in Lakeview imagned that anyone with whom we are acquainted would likely be a passenger on the ill-fated vessel, and yet Col. Light received a Marconi wireless message asking if J. C Flynn was likely to have been on board her. Mr. Flynn a few days since left for his sheep camp, and hence he is not at all likely to have been aboard the vessel. The message sent by J. Flynn and an answer of six words was prepaid by him. It is presumed that he was aboard some vessel at sea, but the message did not disclose his whereabouts. The telegraph operator was advised as to where to send the answer, at which point it would be relayed to the party addressed.
   It is presumed from the message Mr. Flynn had been contemplating a visit to the Old Country although his friends had not been advised of the fact.

May 13, 1915
  The south Drew's Canal is now finished and water is available for irrigation. The canal extends from near the O.V.L sawmill nearly to the California line, ending on the Fred Hanson ranch. All farmers, in the section have become very much interested in the completion of the project since they be live the irrigation of their lands means money in their pocket
   Barry and Sullivan are now occupying their new stable back of Bernard's Hardward store. Contractor Underwood completed the work a few weeks ago and the tenants moved in this morning. The new brick structure is an excellent stable and will furnish accommodations for a large number of horses.

May 27, 1915
Dan Jones is in town after assisting Dave Elder in Lambing. Mr. Jones has Sheep of his own in charge of Dave McAuliffe, but he states that he wanted to get out to camp again and decided Dave Elder was as good as any.
Pat Moynihan, who is interested in sheep with Leehman & Bishop, was a visitor in town Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. J. Lacy arrived last week from San Francisco. Mr. Lacy was formerly associated with Ben Daly in the sheep business but sold out a year or so ago. He came up to take out his final Citizenship papers..
Ben Shanahan partner of Ben Daly, arrived in town Saturday from Catlow Valley where he has been assisting in lambing. He is a witness in the Wakefield case.

Augist 12, 1915
   Dr. J. S. Lyons, received word from his brother, who runs sheep in Guano Valley, to send him 500 rounds of ammunition and two guns as the coyotes were so bad that some action had to be taken to protect the sheepherders.
   Morris Quinlan, who has been in the employ of Charles Duggan near Lookout Calif, was an arrival in Lakeview the first of the week. He will remain until after the Irish Picnic.
August 19, 1915
   Tady Murphy , sheepman, is now the proud possessor of a White burro that will top the scales at 300 lbs, having purchased the animal from a miner who passed through Lakeview a few days ago. The animal is a noted bucker and up to present time no one has been able to hang onto him without a saddle. Murphy will take the animal to the Irish Picnic, September 6th for the amusement of the crowd.
   Ben Shanahan, who has been spending a few days in Lakeview stated that near being shot by a sage hen hunter in Guano Valley. He was riding down a stream and scared a sage hen out of the brush. A hunter about 25 yards away took a shot at the hen and about five of the shot hit Ben's horse in the neck and head. One passed through the sleeve of his shirt while several more struck the saddle.
   Nora Barry, of Horse lake, was a visitor in town last week.
   Henry O'Keeffe, who is partnered with Geo. Fitzgerald in the sheep business, arrived in Lakeview last week from the north end of the county. He and his brothers John and Will are running five bands of sheep.
One of the features on the Irish picnic will be a couple of bucking burros. One, the property of Phil K. Barry, is guaranteed to throw anything, while the other, the property of Tady Murphy, is said to be equally bad.
   Tom Lynch returned the first of the week from a two years visit to Ireland. He was accompanied by Phil Lynch, a son of Phil Lynch, deceased. Tom States that the vessel on which he sailed was accompanied outside the war zone by three British warships. Upon arrival in New York they saw two other warships cruising about outside the harbor.
September 9, 1915
 IRISH PINIC           
 The forth annual Irish picnic which was held at Camas Prairie last Monday was one of the most successful ones that the Irish residents of the county have held.
    The sports were started at 11 o'clock sharp and continued until lunch time. After lunch several of the visiting Hibernian's, from Portland as well as others made a few remarks. Following this the program of sports was carried out.

September 16, 1915

 Was On His Way Back To The United States.
 At The Time boat was Torpedoed
   Pat Fitzgerald, a brother of Con Fitzgerald of Plush, went down with the Arabic which was torpedoed by the Germans some time ago off the coast of England, according to the reports which have reached Lakeview. Pat left Lakeview about three years for the Old Country and was on his way back to Salt Lake City. His Brother Con, is a prominent sheepman of Delane, a town a few miles north of Plush.
   With the reports of the drowning of Mr. Fitzgerald there also comes word that a man by the name of Nolan was also drowned. He is a brother of Dennis Nolan, a partner in the sheep business with Mike Sullivan.
October 7, 1915
   Dan Godall and Morris Quinlan have purchased a band of 1500 ewes and 300 ewe lambs from Tom Shine and Tom Lynch., the sheep will be taken to the lava beds this winter where the buyers have secured a quantity of hay to feed.
November 25, 1915
   Brief mention Frank Verling has sold his sheep to Wm. O'Keeffe. There was something over a thousand head in the band.
   Word has been received thatTom Dwyer and John C. Flynn, sheepmen of Lake County, sailed for the old country on the 23rd of last month. They will visit there for a while and then return to Lakeview.
December 16, 1915
            STAGE IS BACK
   The stage company has been busy the past week getting their horse rigs out along the stage line from Lakeview to Silver Lake. The Wet weather of the past few weeks makes it apparent that they will be compelled to carry the mail by the old system. It is their plan to run the wagons from Lakeview to Chandler station, autos from their to Paisley, autos from Paisley to Wm. Harvey ranch and wagons from to the Root ranch on Silver Lake, then autos from there into Silver Lake.

Froze His Feet last Winter While Herding Sheep For Hart & Mulkey< NINE JURORS SIGN VERDICT
   The case which has been attracting attention in the Circuit Court for the past week was that of James Shine vs Hart & Mulkey. Shine sued the two men for 7,500, $2,500 of which was for exemplary damages. Shine had his feet frozen last winter while herding sheep for Hart & Mulkey. He had to undergo an operation which resulted in his losing several of his toes.
   The case occupied the attention of the court for two days and yesterday about 2:30 it went to the jury. At 8:30 last night a verdict was brought in awarding the plaintiff $6,500. The verdict was signed by nine of the jurors. Those signing were F. L. Ross, Nathan Wilcox, C. H. Langslet, C. E. Lonaway, H. E. Curtis, T. G. Dews, George Down, A. B. Schroder and A. D. Frakes. The three who did not sign the verdict were W. J. Barrington, John O'Neil, and R. E. Winchester. Shine was represented by Thompson and Hay while ZL. F. Conn was attorney for the defense.
Brief mention
   Con Curtin left some time ago to visit the fair. On his way back to lakeview he met Tom Lynch in Reno and wasa persuaded by him to make a visit to New York. He may go on to the old country before returing to lake county.
   Tom Lynch and nephew, Con left last Sunday for the old Country. They have been visiting in Lakeview for a number of months.

May 27, 1915
Dan Jones is in town after assisting Dave Elder in Lambing. Mr. Jones has Sheep of his own in charge of Dave McAuliffe, but he states that he wanted to get out to camp again and decided Dave Elder was as good as any.
Pat Moynihan, who is interested in sheep with Leehman & Bishop, was a visitor in town Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. J. Lacy arrived last week from San Francisco. Mr. Lacy was formerly associated with Ben Daly in the sheep business but sold out a year or so ago. He came up to take out his final Citizenship papers..
Ben Shanahan partner of Ben Daly, arrived in town Saturday from Catlow Valley where he has been assisting in lambing, he is a witness in the wakefield case.
Ben and Pat Linehan arrived in town last week from the desert. They were in the emply of Ben Daly.
Con Taylor, a prominent sheepman of Plush country, arrived in town last week from the desert.
The Irish residents of the county have decided to take part in the celebration of the Fourth. They will have a paprade and already haver sent away for uniforms appropriate for the occasion. The Committee on arrangements is composed of Jack Burke, Ben Daly Ben Shanahan, John Maguire, Chas Luggan and Dan O'Conner.
Cap Brown arrived in town the other day with afine crop of hair adorning his chin. He left for the desert last fall and since then had not shaved. He was formerly porter at the Hotel Lakeview





February 18, 1915

Feud Over Mixing Sheep Results
        Seriously In Harney County
                Both Men Here

As a result of a quarrel over sheep range, John J. O'Keeffe Sunday shot Dave Shanahan, the ball from a 25-20 caliber rifle entering the right hip from behind. The shooting, it is said, occurred near the camp of Shanahan in the vicinity of Beaties Butte, about three miles over the Harney County line.
Immediately following the shooting O'Keeffe came to Adel, this county, for the purpose of giving himself up to the authorities, and later came to Lakeview. The wounded man brought to Coleman where he was met by Dr. Smith of Lakeview, who was summoned by O'Keeffe. From there he was brought to Lakeview and is now at the local hospital receiving treatment. Up to this morning the bullet had not been located, but it is reported that the man has good chances of recovery.
Owing to the shooting taking place in Harney County, Deputy Sheriff Reinhart wired the Harney County sheriff informing him of the trouble. O'Keeffe, it is said, has signified his willingness of going to Burns unattended by officers.
According to reports, which are somewhat meager and complicated, there had been previous quarrels between the men over mixing of sheep, and when the shooting occurred their two bands of sheep were mixed. According to a brother of the wounded man who arrived at the scene Sunday evening, Shanahan was unarmed and was running and about 50 yards distant from O'Keeffe when shot. What the words were between the two men previous to the shooting we are unable to learnebut it is rumored that Shanahan was going after a gun, and that O'Keeffe shot in self defense.
John O'Keeffe was formerly in partnership with George Parman of Ft. Bidwell but drew out last fall and since has been in business for himself. The Shanahan brothers are interested in the sheep business with Ben Daly.

May 11, 1916
Barney O'Farrell Passses Away Following Injuries by Horse Falling on Him
Lived At Christmas Lake
The Alturas Plaindealer has the following to say of the death of a former Lake county resident, a Mr. O' Farrell who formerly lived at Christmas Lake, in the northern part of the county with his sons. The place is owned at present by A. W. Long
The Plaindealer has learned with sincere regret of the death of Barney O"Farrell. According to information received, a horse fell on him about ten days ago injuring him so severely that death follow. After receiving his injuries he was taken to the home of burt Johnson where he was tenderly cared for and a physician called. The deceased was a native of Ireland and about 55 years old. By industry and frugality he had accumulated a nice start in cattle, horses and a good ranch. Barney was a good man, honest and a honorable as he was honest.
Oct 26, 1916
         DEATH W. K. BARRY

Funeral Services Were Held Sunday

From the Catholic Church---Elks
And Foresters Marched with Remains
To. I.O.O.F. Cemetery
   W. K. Barry, prominent sheepman of Lake County, died last Thursday evening at the Metzker Hotel in North Lakeview. Mr. Barry had contacted a cold so,e time previous and it finally developed into pneumonia. He lived but a short time after taking his bed. He lived but a short time after taking his bed. Death came to end his sufferings at 10:30.
   William Kepple Barry was born in Newmarket, Ireland and was 37 years, 9 months and 25 days of age at the time of his death. At the age of 22 he left Ireland and sailed for New York. He left immediately upon his arrival there and came to Lakeview where he has since resided. Upon his arrival here he began herding sheep for Phillip Lynch and later invested with W. K. Barry, who was found dead on blue Creek a couple of years ago. At the Time of his death he was in partnership with Pat Barry in about 3000 head of sheep. These were ranged in the vicinity of Dog Lake.
   Mr. Barry had been a member of the Elks lodge for a number of years and also of the Foresters.
   The funeral services's were held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from the local Catholic Church. Both the members of the Elks and the Foresters marched with the remains to the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
   Mr. Barry leaves no immediate relatives's, both his Father and mother died in Ireland. His only relatives are several cousins in this section.
   Mr. Barry was big hearted and congenial and leaves many friends throughout the county who will mourn his untimely death.

August 1st, 1918
Sheepmen getting ready for winter.
Local woolgrowers association held a meeting Tueday. Dues are $2.50 per year, Committee was appointed to see wo needs cottonseed cake and the amount for the winter are: Lakeview, J.C. Flynn and P.C. Murphy; Silver Lake, J.W.C. O'Keeffe; Plush, E.A. Priday; Adel, Henry O'Keeffe; and Bly, Tom Garrett.
Visitors to Town:
Mrs. Dave Rahilly of South Warner was a visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Egan, of Plush, were arrivals last week.
James Barry Sr., and daughter, Hannah, of South Warners, last week arrived here in their Ford Auti.
Thomas Linehan has closed the Palace Soft Drink Parlor and this week left for sheep camp.
Jim Martin, who is employed in the sheep camp of W.G. Mesner, Friday arrived in town.

Auust 15, 1918
Brief Mention;

Con Taylor, of the Home Supply Company, has purchased a new automobile.
Tom Sullivan is having a combination garge and woodshedd contructed at the rear of his residence on Center St.
Michael Murphy, a private in the Army, was in town last week. He made application while here through the Local Board for an extension of his furlough until next February, he being at present employed in his brother's sheep camp.
Con O'Sullivan, of Guano Valley, who recently left for Reno to join a delegation of boys from that city under the selective draft, is now located at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Sheepmen in town during the week many with avgiew to finding a market for their lambs were Dave Rahilly, M.P. Barry, T. Murphy, M. O'Sullivan, J. J. O'Keeffe, H. O'Keeffe, D. Lane, T.J. Murphy. D.T. Jones and J. W. O'Keeffe.

Dec 5, 1918
Deathe of Pete Curtin at Merrill

   Peter P. Curtin, one of the Well known Irish bous of Lake County, died Tuesday of influenza at Merrill Oregon. He was was engaged in the sheep business with his brother Micahel and came to this country eight years ago. He was born in Meelin, Newmarket, county Cork Ireland, about 25 years ago. He is the nephew of J.P. Egan, of Plush. The remains are being brought to Lakeview today and the funeral will be held tomorrow


Settled at Summer Lake and Was
Engaged In Sheep Business With
His Brothers in 1871
Remaining for years

   Thomas H. Sherlock, one of the early pioneers of Lake County, passed away at Alturas Ca. Monday night, following an attack of pneumonia. A few months ago Mr. Sherlock suffered a breakdown, and was taken to a hospital in California. Two days before his death he returned to Alturas, having practically recovered his health, but on his arrival was suffering from a severe cold. Pneumonia later developed and the end came quickly. The news of his death was received in Lakeview Tuesday monring, and several of his friends expected to attend his funeral, which was fixed for today, but other arrangements were made and the remains were interred yesterday.
   Mr. Sherlock came to Lake County in 1872, locating in the Summer Lake section, where he was engaged extensively in farming and stock raising for a number of years. He disposed of his land interest in 1904, but not until a few years ago did he quit the sheep business. After selling his land in the Summer Lake section he invested in Farm property at Davis Creek, and at the time of his death owned one of the best farms in that section.
   Mr. Sherlock was of an exceptionally fine character and a perfect gentlemen. He had a host of friends wherever known, and hsi death will be deeply regreated by all. He is survived by a son, Kenneth, who is in charge of the Davis Creek property, and three brothers, Chas, E, Walter, A, and Dick all of whom are well known.
April 22, 1920
Citizens of Irish Birth
In Lake county have set aside a sufficient sum of money to furnish one of the rooms in the new hospital now under construction here.Furnishings for three other rooms has been pledged, one known as "The Catholic Ladies Room" by the Catholic ladies of lake County, "The Moore Room" Furnished by Mary Moss, "The Cressler Room" by S. O. Cresssler.

March 31, 1921
Lambing Hands Scarce

There is a great shortage of lambing hands this year, with little likehood of the scarcity being remedied at an early date. Lambing on the desert and in other portions of the public domain will commence within the next few days, and if present weather conditions prevail, a big lambing percentage should be relized. The Shortage of help is because of the few new Irish boys who who have come here this spring.
April 21, 1921
  Sheep shearing has started at the Sherlock shearing corrals south west of the town of Silver Lake. It is understood that shearing by hand is being paid for at the rate of 10 cents per head and board, and machine shearing, at 14 cents per head and board.

Aug 11, 1921
Had Traveled World Over
Served In Canadia Army During Late War

Michael Breen, a well Known resident of Lake County, Passed away in Lakeview Monday of this week, his death being due to stomach trouble, after illness of 10 days. Mr. Breen was born in Boherbee, County Cork Ireland, in June, 1883, coming to this country in 1902. He is survived by his mother, one brother and two sisters residing in Australia. At one time he was engaged in the sheep business with Chas. E. Sherlock and D. T. Godsil. He was of a roving disposition and visited nearly all parts of the world, serving as a sailor on many ships. He served three years in the regular U.S. Army, and also in the Canadian Army during the late war. During the war he was engaged in hospital work on the front and was injured when a shell exploded near him. He was only recently discharged from the hospital at Vancouver B.C. arriving here about a month ago.
The funeral took place yesterday under the auspices of Lake County Post, American Legion, of which MR. Breen was a member, Interment at Oddfellows cemetery.
Mr. Breen was held in high esteem by those who knew him well, and his death is greatly regretted by all.
Nov 17 1921
Funeral Is Largely Attended By Sorrowing Friends

The death of Mrs James D. O' Conner occurred early Sunday morning, passing away following child-birth. Mrs. O'Connor had been ailing for the past year and when the child was born her weakened condition did not permit of her rallying. The child also passed away shortly after birth.
At the time of her death Mrs. O' Conner was 42 years of age. She was born in Ireland and came to this country several years since, being married to Mr. O' Conner some 12 years ago. She was the niece of the late Mrs. W. K. Barry. Besides her widower she is survived by five children.
The funeral took place Wednesday morning from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Felix L. Geis officiating The service were largely attended

January 12, 1922
P.P. Barry, sheep owner of Guano Valley, Monday arrived here from his ranch, He expects to spend several months here with his family.
Mrs. Nick Barry is of Adel , Monday returned home after spending a few days here on matters of business. Mr. Barry is feeding his cattle at Adel.
January 19, 1922
P.S. Barry, rancher and sheep owner of Waarner Valley, was an arrival here last week.
January 26, 1922
Wool now Quoted at 25 cents in Local Market.

Local wool men were knocked off there feet this week when they were offered 25 cents for their 1922 clip of wool. The advance came as a surprise to both buyers and producers, as the offer of better than 20 cents last week was donsidered about the top market price.
J.J. Kiely of Plush , covering the appropriation of water from an unnamed spring for irrigation of a six-acre tract at a cost of approximately $100.
Visitors from the Adel area last week included Mrs. W.S. Wible, James Barry Jr, Dave Rahilly.
Maurice and William Murphy, ranchers and sheep owners of south Warner valley were here last week for the round up dance
James Flemming, a young man in the employ of Jere Moynihan, was in town a few days since, having just came in from the desert. He states that feed is very poor in the section he was in and it was necessary to bring sheep in and place them on feed.
June 1,1925
 Several sales of early lambs were made this week by local sheep operators to W. G. Hazelwood of Bosie, Idaho. The sale reported thus far brought 11 cents to the owners, shipments to be made in July. This is a better price than was received for March lambs last year.
Among those who sold to the Boise man was Miller and Baldwin, Stanley Hanson and Bob Weir.

May 27, 1915
   Dan Jones is in town after assisting Dave Elder in Lambing. Mr. Jones has Sheep of his own in charge of Dave McAuliffe, but he states that he wanted to get out to camp again and decided Dave Elder was as good as any.
Pat Moynihan, who is interested in sheep with Leehman & Bishop, was a visitor in town Tuesday.
   Mr and Mrs. J. Lacy arrived last week from San Francisco. Mr. Lacy was formerly associated with Ben Daly in the sheep business but sold out a year or so ago. He came up to take out his final Citizenship papers..
   Ben Shanahan partner of Ben Daly, arrived in town Saturday from Catlow Valley where he has been assisting in lambing, he is a witness in the wakefield case.

   Ben and Pat Linehan arrived in town last week from the desert. They were in the emply of Ben Daly.
   Con Taylor, a prominent sheepman of Plush Country, arrived in town last week from the desert.
The Irish residents of the county have decided to take part in the celebration of the Fourth. They will have a paprade and already haver sent away for uniforms appropriate for the occasion. The Committee on arrangements is composed of Jack Burke, Ben Daly Ben Shanahan, John Maguire, Chas Luggan and Dan O'Conner.
Cap Brown arrived in town the other day with afine crop of hair adorning his chin. He left for the desert last fall and since then had not shaved. He was formerly porter at the Hotel Lakeview

Lakeview Baths
Big, clean swimming tank
heated by natural hot mineral water
3 Miles south of city
March 10, 1927
         Silver Lake Leader
   Dan Collins who is herding for Jack O'Keeffe in the Christmas Lake Country, bought the news to town first of the week that they are having considerable trouble with rabid coyotes in that section. Two valuable dogs bitten by coyotes had to be shot. Mr Collins states that some sheep have been killed by these predatory animals.   
APRIL 27,1927
            ADEL NEWS
 Phillip O' Conner, who has been the foreman on the O' Keeffe Ranch for the past several years, has resigned his position and has gone in the sheep business for himself and is leaving the valley soon. While everyone will miss Phil's genial smile and pleasant word for everyone we wish him success in his new venture.

   Con O"keeffe was brought in from his lambing camp Sunday suffering from infection in his foot. His brother Jack took him to Lakeview Monday morning going by way of Fort Bidwell because of the bad roads.

T. S. M. Kinney
Attorney at Law
Special attencion given
to business before the U.S
Land office

MAY 8, 1927

 The sheepmen of the Warner's are having a splendid success with lambing this spring. the warm spring weather is ideal for that. There has been very small loss so far, another week or two will finish the lambing season.

   Jay McMannus of fort Bidwell was visiting his sister Mrs. Cahill last Sunday.
   Mrs W. W. Cahill is the proud owner of a new Chevrolet Coach. It was delivered T
uesday by Jim Cormey of the Pioneer garage.
Lunch Counter
Cards--Soft Drinks
A congenial Place
John Westlin

May 8,1927
SHEARING CORRALS TO BE OPEN           Dennis Donovan announced Monday that he will reopen his big sheep shearing corrals at Bauer's Bridge in Camas Prairie and will have them available for Lake County sheepmen before the shearing season gets underway. He will have 14 sheep shearer's available to handle all the shearing work.
New York Cafe
Sunday Chicken Dinner
75 Cents
Private Tables for Ladies

May 22, 1927
 Dennis C. O' Conner of Newmarkert County Cork, Ireland, is a new arrival to Lakeview.

  Twelve sheep were killed and John Casey, sheep tender for Ben Daly in the high desert country east of the Warner's, was knocked unconscious by a bolt of lighting during a severe storm last week.
  Casey was stunned but revived a short time later and was not seriously hurt. In addition to the 12 sheep which were killed outright, numerous others were knocked to ground and hurt.

White Cafe
The best place in town
to eat

June 9, 1927
Lake County Estimated to Produce over 2,000,000 lbs.
With prices mounting to 30 cents per pound, the balance of lake County's 1927 wool crop moved late yesterday afternoon after a week of activity which saw prices rise from 28 cents to the top price paid yesterday. Clips of Ben Daly, C. B. Parker and Walt Leehman

. July 14, 1927
   Mr and Mrs. Cornelius Lynch who were married here in June, and who have been honeymooning in San Francisco, Niagara Falls, New York City and Massachusetts sailed Tuesday for Ireland.
   P. P. Barry sheep owner of Long Valley left yesterday morning by train for Reno to purchase some bucks for himself and several others.
   Ned Murphy and Patrick Duggan arrived on last nights train from San Francisco. Today they proceeded to paisley.
   The P. C. Murphy and William Hickey yearling weathers will be shipped Monday. They Contracted to Layton Stoddard, representing J.H Huphrey of Reno. they brought $6.50 a head.
   Mr. and Mrs. M.P.J Barry are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a new baby boy, John.
Mr. and Mrs. James McShane returned this week from Alameda, California, where they had been located for several months past for the benefit of Mrs. McShane.

One door north of Home Supply Co.'s Store
All work guaranteed.
G. Schlagel, Mgr

From the Silver Lake Leader
September 1927
   Last week Earl Small while driving his lambs to Lakeview lost 250 head in the vicinity of the Klipple 40. They were not missed until two late to turn back to hunt for them. They have since been located--or a part of them have. The coyotes found them first with the result that 20 or more had been killed.
January 12, 1928
    All present officers of the Commercial National Bank were reelected at the annual meeting Tuesday afternoon. The officers are F. M. Miller,president; W. V. Miller, cashier; A. J Swift, assistant cashier; Mitchell Tillotson, assistant cashier.
   Director selected for the year include; F. M. Miller, W. V. Miller, J. C. Flynn, C. D. Arthur, Ned Sherlock, E. G. Favell, G .C. Fitzgerald, Con J. O'Keeffe and Frank Fetsch.

Higher Price For Wool
   While the bulk of Lake County wool for 1928 was sold early this month at 33 cent, a few clips were sold during the past few days at the advanced price of 33 ½ cents,this being the highest price yet offered for fleeces in this section. P. C Murphy and Flynn and O' Conner fleeces were sold at this price through Favell and Utley. A major part of the 1928 clip has now been sold, although a few growers are still holding out for better prices.
January 19, 1928
      The entire 1928 wool clip of the county has been contracted with the purchase this week by Chas Umbach representing J. Koshland and Company of Boston. Ben Daly, James Barry Jr and W. K Verling sold there clips for 33 ½ cents .Other clips sold which sold at this price during the past week where those of P.C Murphy, John L. O' Conner, Con C. Murphy, J. J. O'Keeffe, Flynn and O' Conner Brothers, Con J. O'Keeffe,
   Later in December a number of Lake County clips including those of Denis Nolan, M. M. Barry, John M. Flynn, Con O' Conner, John Singleton, Wm. Sullivan, S. R. Wilcox, C. D. Arthur, J. M Batchelder, Con Doody, F. M. Green, George Minton, J. D. Herefords, D. T. Jones and a number of clips from Harney County sold at 32 cents, to a local representative of Hal lowell Jones & Donald Eiaemann Brothers, Walter Marston, E. H. Tyron.
    One clip, that of John D. Cronin was later purchased by F.H. Clark for 32 1/2 cents and John O'Leary's by Eisemann Brothers.

May 24, 1928
Shearing of Lakeview wools has begun in earnest and within the next month more than 200,000 fleeces will be shorn from Lake County sheep alone. Quality of the wools this year are said to be excellent and the clip promises to be heavy. The average for the clip will be above 8 pounds making the total production more than a million and half pounds.
For the past two weeks the plant of the Ward brothers has operating in this vicinity, and a number of plants will be operations within a few days . The plant at Mud Creek will be run again this year by Denis Donovan. J. E. Reynolds will have the shearing corrals and the plant at the George Stevens ranch will be going within a short time. A number of shearer's have come into Lakeview for the season's work and shearing operations will started immediately at the O'Leary ranch near Paisley and at the Dead Indian Canyon plant near Silver Lake.

September 4, 1924
    Lighting Storm
        Fatal to sheep
           In Bly Section

   Con Sullivan, sheepherder for Paddy O'Keeffe and Joe Muldoon, says that old proverb that lighting never strikes in the same place is all hooey.
While tending sheep in the hills near Bly last week ,a lighting storm started and struck a big pine tree under which a group of sheep were hovering. Sullivan was at least 100 yards away from the tree at the time, and he raced over to see what damage had been done.
Just as he reached the tree, the lighting struck it again and Sullivan was knocked unconscious. When he recovered his since's several hours later, he discovered that 75 of O'Keeffe and Sullivan's sheep had been killed.

September 28.1928
    Mr and Mrs Denis P. O'Callaghan left this week for the county fairs at Redmond and Prineville, where Mr O'Callaghan will exhibit some of his prized sheep. He expects to return home with several blue ribbons.
   Thousands of sheep are being moved these days from summer ranges in the Fremont National Forest to the desert Country.
   According to sheepmen the range in the forest land this year has been exceptionally good and the sheep face winter in the best possible condition.
   Several owners were forced to move their ewes from good range early this year in order to deliver lambs to buyers.

. January 19, 1929
    Patrick B. Murphy and Dennis McAulliffe, was fined $25.00 by Justice of the Peace Duke for carelessness in causing a fire on Dog Mountain on August 8,1928. The fire burned over a half a acre, but was promptly suppressed by Ranger Bailey assisted by Mr. Murphy.

January 25,1929
    The snow fall of Monday and Tuesday effectively closed the Warner's canyon route to Adel for automobiles. Frank Paxton, driver of the Adel-Plush stage reports after a miserable trip thru that way tuesday afternoon.
    After reaching Camas Prairie on the return trip from Adel the stage was pulled to where it could make its own way thru the drifts by four horses, furnished by Mr. Koontz who lives on the prairie.
    Yesterday the stage went around by Valley Falls as it is reported that there is only a foot of snow on the road.
    Sheep men have moved there charges into Warner, Surprise and Harney Valleys for feeding as those bands that were pastured on the desert cut off from the scanty range grass by about a foot of snow. the range has been exceedingly poor this year. Sheepmen report due to the dry summer and fall
   Alvin Vinyard better known as "Doc" arrived at his brother's ranch on Deep Creek near here last Thursday. Doc, wife and son came from Western Washington in a covered wagon, horse drawn. doc wore the same smile, as when he was around Lake County as a bow legged kid.

. February 12, 1929
Adel News
    The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Cahill has been quite ill from tonsillitis. Mrs Cahill has fully recovered from a severe attack of flu-pneumonia which she has had some weeks.
    The road is open thru Camas for awhile at least and the mail comes in at noon now a days and Frank Paxton, the driver, wears his usual smile again.
    We understood the sheepmen will feed until the 20th of March, some are feeding corn along with hay.
    Miss Margaret O'Malley, who is in training for a nurse at St. Marys hospital in Portland Ore. has been critically ill with brain fever. Margaret is the sister of Mrs. Maurice Murphy of Adel. The past report from her mother, who is with her day and night, was that she is improving.
    Several people discussing who has the best hooch, but can't decide until they try it all

March 18, 1929
   Patrick Hallinan and P. P. Barry left yesterday on their return to their respective sheep camps at Blitzen and Guano Valley.

April 25, 1929
    Francis Verling well know Sheep man and farmer of the Westside died Friday from a tick bite. Mr. Verling was brought into lakeview Tuesday suffering from tick fever and his condition rapidly grew worse until his passing. He was 39yrs old and leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and seven children, the youngest born 2 weeks ago. The family has have been residents of Lakeview for a number of years, making their home on a ranch north of Drews Cap.
    Francis Verling was born in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland on August 3, 1889 and came to America some 20 years ago, first settling in San Francisco and then moving to Lakeview.

February 16, 1928
    Edward Noonan, aged 25, who was tending sheep for P. P. Barry and also his own band just over the Harney county line east of Warner, died suddenly last week, apparently from hemorrhages. His body was found at the sheep camp Saturday.
    The body was brought to Lakeview. The funeral was held yesterday morning from St. Patrick's church where a requiem mass was celebrated. Burial was Sunset Park Cemetery where the final blessing was given by Rev.Jame's A. O'Hagan.

    The Deceased is survived by his father and mother in Ireland and two brothers in Lake County. The young man had come to this country only last Fall.


We have them on display
Lakeview Electric Co.
"After we Sell we Serve"

March 19, 1929
---Tom O'Leary, Alias Tom Coffey, --
May Face Serious Charge
-----------Victim Badly Beaten

------------May Have Bad Record
    Tom Coffey, alias Tom O'Leary,
is in the county jail held on an open charge pending the recovery or death of Jack O'Heron, 20 year old native Cork Ireland, who is in Lakeview Public Hospital with a broken jaw and nose.
    Coffey is claimed to have struck O'Heron from behind and then proceeded to terribly beat the youngster, who is hald Coffey's size. The affair happened Saturday preceding the boxing show. Coffey was found in a drinken stupor later in the eveaning at the Pastime pool hall by Marshall Flynn and lodged in the county jail.
    Because of his alias and his record here the authoritieas took his fingerprints and have sent them to Police authorities at Portland and Sacramento.
    Because of the injuries young O'Heon is unable to give an account of one sided fight and it is belives that he suffers form other injuries than a broken nose. The officers are holding Coffey until O'Herons condition changes one way or the other.
    Marshall Jack Flynn said today that Coffey had been blowing around that he could not be arrested, that the officers were afraid of him, etcand Flynn took advantage of the Saturday night fracas to show Coffey and his followers that the law still held away in Lakeview.

MARCH 29, 1929
         Tom Coffey Is Given
   Preliminary Exam

    Tom Coffey, alias O'Leary, was released from co unty jail Wednesday following putting up bond of $750 with the justice of the peace,. Frank Duke set the bond alfter a hearing in his court on a charge of assault and battery.
    Sufficicient evidence was produced at the hearing to show that Coffey attacked Jack O'Heron two weeks ago during a street melee to hold him on an assault charge for Grand Jury investigation.
    O'Heron who has been in the hospital since the assault is reported recovering and can speak well enogh to be understood whereas until this week his face was so badly bruised and broken to prevent him from talking. He sustained a doubly broken jaw and a broken nose from Coffey's attack, it is claimed.

April 25, 1929
   Francis Verling well know Sheep man and farmer of the Westside died Friday from a tick bite. Mr. Verling was brought into Lakeview Tuesday suffering from tick fever and his condition rapidly grew worse until his passing. He was 39yrs old and leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and seven children, the youngest born 2 weeks ago. The family has have been residents of Lakeview for a number of years, making their home on a ranch north of Drew's Cap.
    Francis Verling was born in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland on August 3, 1889 and came to America some 20 years ago, first settling in San Francisco and then moving to Lakeview.

JUNE 21, 1929
James Singleton was released on cash bail 0f $250 yesterday afternoon following his arrest by Sheriff Priday at Bowers Bridge shearing corrals on a complaint filed by Batt and Jack Dougherty charging assault with a dangerous weapon.
   Singleton; is reported to have an altercation with Batt Doherty and when his brother, Jack, started toward Singleton, it is alleged Singleton pulled a gun.
The case was set for hearing this morning on request of District Attorney Combs and Attorney Jettmore, who represents Singleton, a continuance was granted by Justice of the peace Duke until 3 p. m. June 29.

January 23, 1930
Gun Discharges: Sheepherder
Escapes Serious Injury.

     Jerry Sullivan, sheepherders for Con Taylor, narrowly escapes serious injury rhis week when the gun which he was attempting to place in his hip pocket discharged suddenly and the bullet entered the right leg; hit the bone and came out above the knee. He came to town immediatley and was treated by Dr. H. E. Kelty for tetanus yesterday.
June 6,1930
    Delays in sheep shearing operations were caused this week when a strike for 15 cents a head was started among the union shearer's employed at local corrals
    The crew at the Mud Creek shearing corrals, operated by M. J. Barry has been working steadily since the opening of operations with only one day lost on account of rain. Twenty-two men are now operating at this corrals with the price of 13 1/2 cents agreed on from the start.
    The Donovan crew at Beaurs Bridges have gone back to work today after giving in to the price of 13 1/2 cents instead of the fifteen cents for which they struck for. The crews of C.H Robinson and George Stevens are now on the job.
Conditions in the sheep market this year made it practically impossible for the sheepmen to pay the regular sharing prices. With wool being sold at 19 and half cents very little would be left for the growers. Non union men working at the lower price during the year have been turning out satisfactory work.

June 10, 1930
       NO WORD IS
        HEARD FROM

        Six Days Have Passed
        Since Searching Begun
    Although six days have gone by during which a diligent search has been made throughout the county for Jack Dorgan, sheepherder, no word has been received from him or about him as yet.
    Dorgan who owns a half interest in a band of sheep with Dave O' Conner, was with the sheep southeast of Adel, when O' Conner came here last Wednesday. He had only been in town a short time when word came to him that no trace could be found of Dorgan.
   O'Conner immediately left again for camp and no word has been heard from him so far. The sheep had been discovered by Jack P. J. Barry, with out anyone to take care of them. Knowing that Dorgan was supposed to be with them, Barry made a short search for him and then notified the other parties.
    The six days have gone by and no trace has been found. From all appearance the ground might of open up and swallowed him, and closed again. The country is a broad area of sagebrush and with no camps or ranches nearby.
    Dorgan is a quiet unassuming young man and is not known to dissipate in any way. He has been in this country for about five or six years and since coming here has been engaged in the sheep business, herding for a number of years and then buying his own stock.
FEBUARAY 13, 1931
    Word was received here yesterday of the death of Dave Shanahan in San Francisco Wednesday evening. The news was not unexpected as reports had been received of his very serious illness which kept him to his bed for several weeks.
    The deceased was formality a resident of Lake County having been in the sheep business here for a number of years. He as about forty five years of age at the time of his death. One of the brothers who survive him, Ben is a resident of Lakeview. He is at present attending to sheep business in the desert to lack of communication with that district he has not been told of the death of his brother.
Funeral arrangements were not made known, but it is thought that burial will take place in San Francisco.

 June 3, 1932        
         TO USE OF GUN

   Jim Quinlan, sheepherder employed by Matt Daly in the Albert Lake section, is resting in the local jail as a result of shooting scrape with his his employer Tuesday evening.
   Quinlan claims Daly was going to "beat up on him" and he pulled his 22 and shot him. The quarrel of the two men resulted in a bullet would in the left shoulder for Daly.
   Word was first received by Sheriff E. A. Priday here when a call came Wednesday afternoon from Valley Falls telling of the shooting. Quinlan had walked from the camp near Abert Rim and sent a call in, telling the officers that he was walking to Lakeview and would try to pick up a ride. The local men left immediately and brought him in from Crooked Creek.
   Daly is reported to suffer no ill effects from the would and his herder is being held until it is determined whether or not a charge will be placed on him.
Oct, 18, 1934
Become Citizens

Six Lake County Irishmen passed their naturalization examinations held last Friday in the court house before Judge T. E. J. Duffy of Bend. Ida Petersen, Terrence Hallinan, Dennis Geanery, Cornellius O'Keeffeee, Daniel D. Murphy, Daniel Denovan, and Jeremiah Bradley.
DECEMBER 10, 1936
   Patrick Murphy 56, well known stockman of Lake County, Passed away at his home here Sunday after an illness of approximately two years. Mr. Murphy had been under medical care for some time before his death.
   He was born in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland in 1880 and emigrated to this country in April 1900 where he entered the employee of William k. Barry herding sheep. Later Worked for Dick Quinlan and then purchased a interest in Tom Lynch's sheep.
   In 1906 he took over the management of a salon in Plush. During this time William Moss joined him as a partner and the M & M. Saloon became widely known thru out the county.
   Funeral services were held yesterday morning at 10 a.m. with Rev. Father haynes officiating. Interment took place in the Sunset cemetery.
   Mr. Murphy is survived by his wife; five brothers living in Ireland, Bill, Dennis, Andy, Mike, and Dan: one brother in Lake County Maurice; and three sisters living in Ireland,Mrs. Duggan, Mrs. Duane and Mrs. Tarrent.
Pallbearers at the Funeral were Con C. Murphy, Con J. Murphy, Tom Daly, Jack Singleton, Maurice J. Murphy and Dennis J. O'conner
March 16, 1939
Hibernians Dance
Plans Completed

   The colors of the flag of the Irish Free State, gree, white and yellow, will provide the decorative theme for the 26th annual St. Patrick's Day dance to be held at the Eagles Hall Saturday night, according to members of the committee in charge.
   The annual event is sponsored by the Anciant Order of Hibernians.
   Assisting in planning the dance are Mike Doody, Maurice Angland, John O'Conner, Con J. Murphy, Batt Dunlea and Jerry Supple. Music for the event will be provided by Kudna Brothers orchestra.
   Through the years, the event has come to be one of the most colorful and widely attended dances in community.
August 3, 1939
From Paisley
John W. Flynn of Paisley spent several days last week at the bedside of his cousin John C. Flynn.
Back from the Fair
Phil Lynch of Plush returned last weekend from a weeks visit to the San Francisdco Fair
From Silver Lake
Tim D. O'Conner of Silver Lake was a Local business visitor last weekend

Nov 2, 1939
Tom Jones and Dan Doody went through Plush last Friday with a band of Flynn and O'Conner sheep.
Don and Bob Fitzgerald and Joe Scynan were in from the Fitzgerald ranch Sunday.
Deely, Barry and Deboy have moved there sheep from the range at Yamsey to the Farr ranch.
Among those who had the courage and fortitude to drive the Plush-Lakeview road Saturday to attend business in Lakeview were Mike Deely, J.P. Egan and Pat B. Murphy, Phil Lynch and Mr and Mrs. John Ginter.
Among those from this vicinity who have recently attended the Golden Gate Exposition in San Francisco are Mr. anjd Mrs. Martin Anderson, Pat B. Murphy, the Tim O'Conners andf pat Lynch.
Among Lakeview visitors Monday were Mike Murphy, Pasiley: Tim Guinee, Dave O'Conner of Summer Lake, to attend a stockmans's meeting.
Nov 9, 1939
Mike O'Keeffe and Con Carroll Were business visitors in Plush last Wednesday.
Tim Twomey went through Plush last week with the O'connor and Herlihy sheep, taking them to winter range.

