Irish Sheepherders of Lake County Oregon


Tragedy is Second In Family
Within Two Years
Older Brother Killed In Auto Accident
Not Yet Two Years Ago; Cramps
While Swimming Said
Cause of Death; One
Brother Survives
Lake County Tribune
Tuesday June 2, 1931

   Tragedy misted in one family of young men here for the second time in two years when Jack Reen came to his death by accidental drowning last week in an irrigation ditch near Kirksville, California.
   This is the second tragedy to hit the Reen brothers., Con Reen, was instantly killed when a the new truck which he was driving went over the grade on Fandango mountain.
   Jack had gone swimming in the ditch as was his usual custom in the evening after work. He was engaged on a farm there. He was seen making his way toward the ditch and it was only after several hours when he had not returned and his clothes were still on the bank that the residents of the place began to worry over his disappearance. On searching the ditch his body was found. The only reason that could be given for the tragedy was that he must have become cramped while swimming and there was nobody near to help him. He was a excellent swimmer.
   The body was brought here for burial and services held this morning at nine o'clock from St. Patrick's Church. He would have been 26 years of age this month ; he came to this country from Ireland six years and six months ago. He was born the son of John and Julia Reen of County Cork, Ireland One brother Timothy, survives him here: the parents and two brothers live in the old country.
   The tragedy recalls the death of the older brother here. A successful young sheepman, his enthusiasm for work carried him to the point of traveling at night in order to get his business transacted the next day. In September 1929 he started for Alturas in a new truck with which he was not thoroughly acquainted. He was found dead the next day on Fandango mountain.
   All three brothers were engaged in the sheep business, have came here when young boys for that purpose. Last fall Jack journeyed to California to work there and the news of his death was a shock to all those who new him.

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