Irish Sheepherders of Lake County Oregon

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February 19, 1920

Only Men And Women of Irish
Descent To Be Solicited But
Other May Subscribe

   The sale of Irish Republic bond certificates undertaken at present throughout the county by a committees appointed for the purpose. The quota for Lake County is $7,000, and for Klamath County, $5,000.
   The officers of the county committee are John Flynn, chairman; D. F. Brennan, secretary, and John Kelleher, treasure. Those assisting in the sale of the bond certificates are Patrick C. Murphy, Con Taylor, Jack Kelleher, Tim Shine, Dennis O'Callaghan, John M. Murphy and John W. C. O'keeffe.
   The date set for the completion of the sale throughout the United States is February 23. As previously stated only men and women of Irish birth or percentage residing in the county will be solicited for the purchase of bonds, but sales will be willingly made by any member of the committees to others who wish to purchase one or more of the certificates. The latter may be purchased on donomination of $10 up.

March 4, 1920
$10,000 Total Amount Raised
Business and Professional Men
Subscribe Liberally to Fund
Being Raised For Irish Freedom

   The campaigned for subscriptions to the Irish Republic loan was completed in Lake County, February 23. The quota assigned was $7,000, and a total of $10,630 was raised. Every subscription was paid in full. Three cards yet in the hands of one of the solicitors may result in a addition to the amount above reported.
   Following is a complete list of those who subscribed to the loan.
   Attorneys. Hay and Gibbs, $20, Banks, Bank of Lakeview, $100, Commercial National Bank, $100, First National Bank, $100, Pasiley National Bank, $25.00.
Other business establishments; American Restraunt, $10,Bailey & Massingill, $50, Home Supply Co, $100, Kandy Kitchen $10, Lakeview Mercantile Co, $50, Chewaucan Mercantile Co. $50, Post Office Store, $25, Charles Umbarch, $50; Warner Valley Mercantile Co. $100.
Allen, Richard $50.00
Anthony, Harry $25.00
Alger, Merl H $50.00
Ahern, John $50.00
Ahern, Jerry $100.00
Barry, William P $50.00
Barry, Jas. K $100.00
Barry, Pat. W $50.00
Barry, P. P $100.00
Barry, John P. J $100.00
Barry, M. P. J $50.00
Barry, Pat $100.00
Bradley, Jermiah $100.00
Brennan, Edward J $25.00
Brennan, Dan F $20.00
Brady, Rev Thomas $50.00
Buckley, Mauricel $50.00
Bradley, Jerry J $100.00
Culhane, Jim $50.00
Culhane, Ned $50.00
Collins, Deck $50.00
Collins, John (Adel) $100.00
Collins, John,$50.00
Collins, Ned $100
Cunningham, John $!00.00
Curtin, Martin $100.00
Cronin, John D $100.00
Daly, Thomas $50.00
Daly, Ben $100.00
Daly, Mike $50.00
Daly Dan J $50.00
Dennehy, Dave H $10.00
Dennehy, Denis $100.00
Dennehy, Jermiah $100.00
Donovan,Dennis $10.00
Drislane, Tim $50.00
Egan, J. P $100.00
Fitzgearld, Con $ 100.00
Fitzgearld Con C $100.00
Fitzgearld, John C $100.00
Fitzgearld, Tim $100.00
Fitzgerald, Dennis $50.00
Feeley, Patrick J $100.00
Fleming, Michael $100.00
Flynn John C. $200.00
Godsil, D. T. $100.00
Goggin, Jerry $50.00
Guinee, Tim R $100.00
Guinee, Con $100.00
Houlihan, Denis $50.00
Johnson, Geo W $10.00
Jones, David T $150.00
Juanto, Simon $10.00
Kelleher, J. D $200.00
Lane, Dennis C $ 25.00
Lane, Wm C. $50.00
Laubhold Louis $10.00
Leader, pat $50.00
Linehan ,Thomas $50.00
Linehan, pat $50.00
Linehan, Ben $50.00
Maguire, J. B $10.00
Manley, John $50.00
Moynihan, William $150.00
Murphy, Con $100.00
Murphy, Wm J $100.00
Murphy, Tim J $50.00
Murphy, Cornelius C $100.00
Murphy, Thomas T $50.00
Murphy, Denis T $100.00
Murphy, Pat C $100.00
Murphy, Mike M $100.00
Murphy, Ned M $100.00
Murphy, John M $150.00
Murphy, M. C $50.00
Murphy, Dave $100.00
McAuliffe, James T $50.00
McAuliffe, James J$100.00
McAuliffe, Dan $50.00
McCarthy, John $50.00
McSweeney, John $50.00
Noonan, Matt $100.00
Nolan, Dennis $100.00
Nolan, Bernard $100.00
O'Conner, John L $100.00
O'Conner Brothers $100.00
O'Conner, Denis C $100.00
O'Conner, Daniel C $100.00
O'Conner, John M $50.00
O'Conner D. E $50.00
O'Conner Con M $100.00
O'Callaghan, Dennis $200.00
O'Keeffe Dennis $100.00
O'Keeffe Dan $100.00
O'Keeffe Con J $100.00
O'Keeffe, J. W $200.00
O'Keeffe, Maurice $150.00
O'Keeffe, Con $100.00
O'Sullivan Cornelius$100.00
O'Sullivan, J. M $50.00
Rahilly, Jerry $100.00
Shanahan,Pat $20.00
Sherlock, Ned $10.00
Shine, James J $100.00
Shine, Tim T $100.00
Singleton, John $50.00
Singleton, William $100.00
Singleton, James $100.00
Sullivan, Thomas J $50.00
Taylor, Any $100.00
Taylor, con $100.00
Twomey, John $100.00
Twomey, Timothy $50.00
Twomey, Hugh $50.00
Verling, Walter k $100.00
Walsh, John J $50.00
Walsh, Dan C $100.00
Walsh, Michael M $100.00
Withers, John $50.00
Winters, Tim $50.00
Withers, William $20.00
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