Irish Sheepherders Of Lake County Oregon


JULY 30, 1914





Deceased was Born in County Cork, Ireland

May 20, 1851--Leaves Wife, Brothers

and Others Relatives In Lake Co.

   After almost a third of a century of business activity in Lake County, William K. Barry known by almost every man, woman and child, conored and be beloved by all, last week passed away in the depths of the solitudes he loved so well. While perhaps the manner of his passing was not what some of us would have wished, yet at the same time it was fitting that the rugged character should be called to the Great Beyond on the range where he spent so much of his life amidst the trees and rippling waters of the cool, deep mountainous canyons.
   Sunday afternoon word was received from Mud Creek that Mr. Barry's team had returned to camp and that no traces could be found of Mr. Barry himself. In as much as Mr. Barry's business of looking after its numerous sheep camps, necessitated a frequent change of plans, it was impossible to tell where he was for days at a time., and hence no notice has been taken of his coming and going for many years past. It was quickly ascertained that the last time he had been seen was on the previous Sunday, when he started for his sheep camp on Bull's Prairie. A searching party immediately started and Sunday evening his abandoned wagon was found three miles above the Mud Creek station. Darkness coming on, it was necessary to suspend the search un till the following morning, when the party was reinforced by a large number of people from Lakeview. The search was prosecuted with much vigor, and shortly afternoon, Mr. Barry's body was discovered by Dick Lucy in the shallow waters of Mud Creek with his head resting upon a small boulder. There was no appearance of a struggle, and it looked as if he had become wearied and had lain himself down in the coolong waters of the creek when the summons to meet the Maker reached him.
   While the cause of the tragic death will never be known, yet the presumption is that while making his way toward his sheep camp he was stunned by a stroke of lighting, a heavy thunder storm having prevailed in that section the forepart of last week. Indications are to the effect that shortly before his death Mr Barry was suffering from partial dementia, as he drove his team and wagon in numerous perilous place, and after abandoning it, he injured his lower limbs apparently by following over rocks and going through underbrush. When found the body was in an almost perfect state of preservation, which probably was due to the cool waters in which it was lying, although not over six inches in dept.
   No cause for the the death of the saddle horse has been assigned, but it was either killed by the same stroke of lighting which is presumed to have stunned Mr. Barry or possibly broke its neck while being led behind the wagon when being driven over the rocks before Mr. Barry abandoned his outfit.
   William K. Barry was born May 20, 1851, at Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland, his parents being Michael and Honorah Barry, the latter's maiden name being Kane. They followed pastoral pursuits and William K. grew up grew to manhood on the family estate. In 1878 he was married to Honora Calherty, and shortly after the ceremony he embarked for the United States to seek his fortune. He arrived in Lake County in 1884 , where he he has since resided. But it was not until along in the 90's that he was joined by his wife. Since her arrival they have made their home in Lakeview, and enjoyed the distinction of being the leaders of the Irish colony in Lake County, of which there are nearly 500 good honest, upright citizens.
   To Mr. and Mrs. Barry have been born two sons, Michael W., now government tax collector of County Cork, Ireland and Phillip, of Lakeview, and two daughters, Mrs. Mollie Buckley, of Marcroom, County Cork, Ireland, and Mrs. Eleanor Ward now deseased. Besides his wife, sons and daughter, Mr. Barry is survived by three brothers, and many other relatives. Two brothers James and Phil, are well known and highly respected citizens of Lake County, while the third brother, Mike is a member of parliament for County Cork Ireland. The following following are nephews of the deceased residing in Lake County and are well known prominent citizens. Mike P. Barry, P. P Barry, Michael M. Barry, Nicholas M. Barry, J. P. Barry, James J. Barry, Jeremiah M. Barry, and Nicholas M. Barry. His Nieces who resides in Lakeview are Mrs Ben Daly, Mary, Norah, and Hannah Barry, al daughters of James Barry, and Mrs. Nora O'Shea.
   Mr. Barry's business interest are very extensive, having been possessed of large acres of land in different sections of the County, besides property in Lakeview and many thousand head of sheep. He was also associated with William Keppel Barry, Con Curtin and Dick Lacey in the sheep industry and a short time since sold 35,000 head of mutton for $4.50 per head, which is the best price paid in Lake County for a number of years.
   The funeral took place yesterday afternoon and the remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. All sections of the County were represented, and many were the floral offering. The long procession of footmen was an especial touching tribute to the right esteem in which the deceased was held by his countrymen, while many carriages and automobiles carried friends to pay the last sad tribute at the grave.
   William K. Barry has been prominently connected with the development of Lake County and to his efforts is due in a great measure the very great prosperity which this County has been and is enjoying at the present time. He has always worked for the advancement of the County in general, the first remark the writer ever heard him utter being, "Lake County against the World." He was one of Nature's noblemen, and no deserving person ever approached him and left unassisted. He was noted for his generosity, and many will attest his liberality in all things. His death is a distinct loss to the whole of Lake County , and in days to come he will greatly missed, for his genial nature made him a welcome guest in all parts of the county on his many comings and goings.
Hail, friend, and farewell. And you enjoy the peace to which you are so justly entitled.

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