Irish Sheepherders of Lake County Oregon

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Lakeview, Oregon Thursday June 21, 1934
Came to Lake County 1879
Pioneer Sheepowner

Dies in Ireland

   Michael E. Barry, aged 80 years, pioneer sheep owner and rancher of Lake County, died recently at Meenkera House, Meelin, County Cork, Ireland, according to word received by his son, Michael M, Barry. His passing marks the final chapter in the lives of the four Barry brothers, William, Michael, James and Phillip, who pioneered the sheep industry in this county. William, James and Phillip are buried here.
   Deceased came to Lake County about 1879, and during the residence here accumulated property, especially in the Blue Creek section, as well as sheep. He and his brothers were instrumental in bringing to this country many young men from their native section of Ireland, The Meelin, Newmarket and Kanturk areas; and the success of many of these is due to the financial assistance, encouragement and advice which they gave during their life times. The Irish population of Lake, Klamath, Deschutess and Modoc Counties, particularly those engaged in the sheep business, is directly attributed to the Barry brothers, Mr. Barry left here in 1902, and has since resided in Ireland.
   In the town of Newmarket, and other sections of County Cork, Ireland. Mr. Barry had extensive property and business interest at the time of his death. He was active in Irish politics, and served with honor as a chairman of the Cork County Council. In this connection, one of the Irish Papers reads: Although essentially a man of affairs, Mr Barry always found time to keep in touch with the progress of the national movements in Ireland, with which he was in deepest sympathy. He was an able and prominent member of the Cork County Council from its inception up to late years, when failing health caused him to resign his position. During his long connection with the City Council he earned the cordial esteem of all sections of that body by his high character and his marked ability in the administration of the affairs of the County. There respect and he affectionate regard by whom he was held by the members of that body was subsequently exemplified when he was unanimously elected chairman. He was a member of the memorable National Convention of 1921: and was a close friend of many of the leaders of the Irish Party
   Mr Barry is survived by his window: by three sons, Michael of Lakeview Oregon, Jeremiah and Nicholas formerly of Lake County Ore, now in Ireland, and by two daughters, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. O' Donnell. Obsequies were held Easter Monday, and burial was at Clonfert. The Meelin cavalry accompanied the remains from Meekere House to the Church of Newmarket and a bodyguard of 200 Blue shirts were present at the funeral.

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